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Adderall Aardvark [reddit.com]

Working on a big post. In the mean time, enjoy a little humor!

Where this is from: reddit.com, my favorite slack site, has a subsection (or sub-reddit) dedicated to Advice Animals, which include things like OCD Otter, Foul Bachelor Frog, Foul Bachelorette Frog, Socially Awkward Penguin,  College Condor (who is closely related to Adderall Ardvark), and of course Courage Wolf.

Recently a new Advice Animal was introduced: Adderall Ardvark, shown above. Be sure to check out the comments on Adderall Aardvark’s introduction.

3 Responses to “Adderall Aardvark [reddit.com]”

  1. Anonymous says:

    One of the comments left a link to this site: http://thingsidoonaddyphotos.tumblr.com/ – which I found to be very funny as well.

  2. Tyler says:

    One of the comments left a link to this site: http://thingsidoonaddyphotos.tumblr.com/ – which I found to be very funny as well.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This made me laugh my ass off. Reminds me exactly of how I was xD

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